Mentre la Silicon Valley e Washington D.C. intrecciano sempre più le loro strategie, una nuova ondata di think tank emerge, pronta a influenzare significativamente il panorama tecnologico e politico degli Stati Uniti. Questi gruppi, spesso sostenuti da figure di spicco come Patrick Collison e Sean Parker, stanno plasmando le politiche che definiranno il futuro del paese. Comprendere le loro ambizioni equivale a intravedere la direzione che gli Stati Uniti potrebbero prendere.
Recentemente, Patrick Collison ha co-firmato una lettera aperta insieme ad altri leader del settore tecnologico, tra cui Mark Zuckerberg di Meta, esprimendo preoccupazioni riguardo alla regolamentazione dell’IA nell’Unione Europea. La lettera sottolinea come decisioni normative incoerenti possano rendere l’Europa meno competitiva e innovativa rispetto ad altre regioni.
Sean Parker, dal canto suo, ha manifestato interesse per l’IA attraverso investimenti strategici. Ha finanziato startup focalizzate sull’applicazione dell’IA in vari settori, riconoscendo l’importanza di questa tecnologia nel plasmare il futuro. La sua visione si concentra sull’utilizzo dell’IA per migliorare l’esperienza utente e creare prodotti innovativi che rispondano alle esigenze del mercato.
L’IA sta rapidamente evolvendo, con applicazioni che spaziano dalla medicina alla finanza, dalla produzione industriale all’intrattenimento. Tuttavia, questa rapida adozione solleva questioni etiche e di privacy. La capacità dell’IA di analizzare enormi quantità di dati pone interrogativi sulla tutela delle informazioni personali e sull’uso responsabile della tecnologia. È fondamentale che leader come Collison e Parker partecipino attivamente al dibattito su come implementare l’IA in modo etico e sostenibile.

La Silicon Valley, epicentro dell’innovazione tecnologica, ha visto nascere diversi think tank focalizzati sull’intelligenza artificiale (IA) e sulle sue implicazioni. Uno dei più prominenti è il Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), fondato nel 2000 da Eliezer Yudkowsky. Originariamente noto come Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, MIRI si concentra sulla ricerca di un’IA amichevole, affrontando problemi legati al controllo delle intelligenze artificiali avanzate.
Con sede a Berkeley, California, l’istituto ha attirato l’attenzione per il suo approccio alla sicurezza dell’IA e per la sua capacità di prevedere lo sviluppo tecnologico. Nel corso degli anni, MIRI ha organizzato eventi come il Singularity Summit, in collaborazione con l’Università di Stanford e con il sostegno di Peter Thiel, per discutere il futuro dell’IA e i suoi potenziali rischi.

Un altro attore significativo nella scena dei think tank della Silicon Valley è il Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR), fondato nel 2012 da Julia Galef, Anna Salamon, Michael Smith e Andrew Critch. Con sede a Berkeley, CFAR organizza workshop sulla razionalità e sui bias cognitivi, attingendo a campi come la psicologia e l’economia comportamentale per migliorare le abitudini mentali dei partecipanti. Il centro è parte del movimento razionalista associato al sito web LessWrong di Eliezer Yudkowsky e ha collaborato con aziende come Facebook e con la Thiel Fellowship per offrire formazione sulla razionalità applicata.
OpenAI, fondata nel 2015 da Elon Musk, Sam Altman e altri investitori, rappresenta un altro esempio di think tank influente nella Silicon Valley.
Con l’obiettivo di promuovere e sviluppare un’intelligenza artificiale amichevole a beneficio dell’umanità, OpenAI ha rilasciato nel 2016.. Le Origini di piattaforme come OpenAI Gym e Universe per la ricerca sull’apprendimento per rinforzo e l’addestramento dell’IA.
OpenAI non ha destinato risorse significative allo sviluppo di Gym sin dalla sua creazione sette anni prima e, entro il 2020, aveva smesso di essere mantenuto. Nel 2021, un’organizzazione no-profit chiamata Farama Foundation ha preso in carico Gym. Hanno introdotto nuove funzionalità in Gym, rinominandolo Gymnasium.
Nel corso degli anni, OpenAI ha subito trasformazioni significative, tra cui la transizione verso una società a scopo di lucro nel 2024, mantenendo comunque l’impegno nella ricerca aperta e nella collaborazione con altre istituzioni.
Questi think tank non operano in isolamento; la loro influenza si estende alle politiche governative e alle strategie aziendali. La loro capacità di navigare tra innovazione tecnologica e strategie politiche offre soluzioni che rispondono alle esigenze di una società in rapida evoluzione. Inoltre, la loro presenza nella Silicon Valley facilita l’accesso a risorse, talenti e reti che amplificano la loro capacità di influenzare il futuro dell’IA e delle politiche tecnologiche.

Think Tank Raccolte, sintetizzate e classificate raccomandazioni di libri.
Title | Author | Amazon | Number of recommendations |
Sapiens | Yuval Noah Harari | Amazon | 12 |
Thinking Fast and Slow | Daniel Kahneman | Amazon | 7 |
Finite and Infinite Games | James P. Carse | Amazon | 6 |
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams | Amazon | 6 |
Brave New World | Aldous Huxley | Amazon | 5 |
Nineteen Eighty Four | George Orwell | Amazon | 5 |
Poor Charlie’s Almanack | Charles T. Munger | Amazon | 5 |
Antifragile | Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Amazon | 4 |
Atlas Shrugged | Ayn Rand | Amazon | 4 |
Black Swan | Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Amazon | 4 |
Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad | Amazon | 4 |
Man’s Search for Meaning | Viktor E. Frankl | Amazon | 4 |
Meditations | Marcus Aurelius | Amazon | 4 |
Seeing Like a State | James C. Scott | Amazon | 4 |
Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman (Adventures of a Curious Fellow) | Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton | Amazon | 4 |
The Bible | Zondervan | Amazon | 4 |
The Hard Thing About Hard Things | Ben Horowitz | Amazon | 4 |
The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins | Amazon | 4 |
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying | Sogyal Rinpoche | Amazon | 4 |
Checklist manifesto | Atul Gawande | Amazon | 3 |
Gödel, Escher, Bach | Douglas R. Hofstadter | Amazon | 3 |
Influence | Robert B. Cialdini | Amazon | 3 |
Moneyball | Michael Lewis | Amazon | 3 |
On the Shortness of Life | Seneca | Amazon | 3 |
Power of Habit | Charles Duhigg | Amazon | 3 |
Principles | Ray Dalio | Amazon | 3 |
The Beginning of Infinity | David Deutsch | Amazon | 3 |
The Island | Gary Paulsen | Amazon | 3 |
The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | Amazon | 3 |
War And Peace | Leo Tolstoy | Amazon | 3 |
Why Buddhism is True | Robert Wright | Amazon | 3 |
Zero to One | Peter Thiel | Amazon | 3 |
A Doll’s House | Henrik Ibsen | Amazon | 2 |
A Short History of Nearly Everything | Bill Bryson | Amazon | 2 |
Against the Gods | Peter L. Bernstein | Amazon | 2 |
C programming Language | Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie | Amazon | 2 |
Einstein’s Dreams | Alan Lightman | Amazon | 2 |
Foundation | Isaac Asimov | Amazon | 2 |
Freakonomics | Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner | Amazon | 2 |
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World | Jack Weatherford | Amazon | 2 |
God Is Not Great | Christopher Hitchens | Amazon | 2 |
Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | Amazon | 2 |
Guns, Germs, and Steel | Jared Diamond Ph.D. | Amazon | 2 |
Hackers & Painters | Paul Graham | Amazon | 2 |
Homage to Catalonia | George Orwell | Amazon | 2 |
How the Mind Works | Steven Pinker | Amazon | 2 |
Jack of Shadows | Roger Zelazny | Amazon | 2 |
Liar’s Poker | Michael Lewis | Amazon | 2 |
Lila | Robert M. Pirsig | Amazon | 2 |
Long Dark Tea-Time of The Soul | Douglas Adams | Amazon | 2 |
Lord of Light | Roger Zelazny | Amazon | 2 |
Masters of Doom | David Kushner | Amazon | 2 |
Mating in Captivity | Esther Perel | Amazon | 2 |
Mindstorms | Seymour A. Papert | Amazon | 2 |
Moonwalking with Einstein | Joshua Foer | Amazon | 2 |
My Side of the Mountain | Jean Craighead George | Amazon | 2 |
Neuromancer | William Gibson | Amazon | 2 |
Pale Blue Dot | Carl Sagan | Amazon | 2 |
Pattern Recognition | William Gibson | Amazon | 2 |
Quiet | Susan Cain | Amazon | 2 |
Razor’s Edge | W. Somserset Maugham | Amazon | 2 |
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem | Nathaniel Branden | Amazon | 2 |
Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson | Amazon | 2 |
Technopoly | Neil Postman | Amazon | 2 |
The Aleph | Jorge Luis Borges | Amazon | 2 |
The Artist’s Way | Julia Cameron | Amazon | 2 |
The Awakening | Kate Chopin | Amazon | 2 |
The Company | John Micklethwait, Adrian Wooldridge | Amazon | 2 |
The Fatal Conceit | F. A. Hayek | Amazon | 2 |
The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand | Amazon | 2 |
The God Particle | Leon Lederman, Dick Teresi | Amazon | 2 |
The Language Instinct | Steven Pinker | Amazon | 2 |
The Last Lion | William Manchester | Amazon | 2 |
The Lover Is Always Alone (Ashiq hamishah tan hast) | Sohrab Sepehri | Amazon | 2 |
The True Believer | Eric Hoffer | Amazon | 2 |
The Wright Brothers | David McCullough | Amazon | 2 |
The Years of Lyndon Johnson Set | Robert Caro | Amazon | 2 |
Unf*ckology | Amy Alkon | Amazon | 2 |
What It Takes | Richard Ben Cramer | Amazon | 2 |
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism | Ha-Joon Chang | Amazon | 1 |
30 Lessons for Living | Karl Pillemer Ph.D. | Amazon | 1 |
A Beautiful Mind | Sylvia Nassar | Amazon | 1 |
A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking | Amazon | 1 |
A Chance to Die | Elisabeth Elliot | Amazon | 1 |
A New Kind of Science | Stephen Wolfram | Amazon | 1 |
A Treatise of Human Nature | David Hume | Amazon | 1 |
Accidental Superpower | Peter Zeihan | Amazon | 1 |
Age of Spiritual Machines | Ray Kurzweil | Amazon | 1 |
All the King’s Men | Robert Penn Warren | Amazon | 1 |
Amiga Assembly Language Programming | Jake Commander | Amazon | 1 |
Amusing Ourselves To Death | Neil Postman | Amazon | 1 |
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory | Michael E. Peskin, Dan V. Schroeder | Amazon | 1 |
And The Band Played On | Randy Shilts | Amazon | 1 |
Artificial Intelligence | Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig | Amazon | 1 |
As a Man Thinketh | James Allen,? Charles Conrad | Amazon | 1 |
Autobiography | John Stuart Mill | Amazon | 1 |
Banking and the Business Cycle | C.A. Phillips,? T.F. McManus,? R.W. Nelson | Amazon | 1 |
Being Mortal | Atul Gawande | Amazon | 1 |
Better | Atul Gawande | Amazon | 1 |
Between the World and Me | Ta-Nehisi Coates | Amazon | 1 |
Beyond Good and Evil | Friedrich Nietzsche | Amazon | 1 |
Beyond Ideology | Frances E. Lee | Amazon | 1 |
Big Kids | Michael Deforge | Amazon | 1 |
Blink | Malcolm Gladwell | Amazon | 1 |
Bold | Peter H. Diamandis,? Steven Kotler | Amazon | 1 |
Bourgeois Equality | Deirdre N. McCloskey | Amazon | 1 |
Boyd | Robert Coram | Amazon | 1 |
Breakfast of Champions | Kurt Vonnegut | Amazon | 1 |
Buffett | Roger Lowenstein | Amazon | 1 |
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal | Ayn Rand | Amazon | 1 |
Catcher in The Rye | J.D. Salinger | Amazon | 1 |
Charlotte’s Web | E.B. White | Amazon | 1 |
Contemporary Ethics | William Shaw | Amazon | 1 |
Cradle to Cradle | Michael Braungart, William McDonough | Amazon | 1 |
Crime and Punishment | Dostoyevsky | Amazon | 1 |
Daily Stoic | Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman | Amazon | 1 |
Dark Territory | Fred Kaplan | Amazon | 1 |
Dealers of Lightning | Michael A. Hiltzik | Amazon | 1 |
Deep Work | Cal Newport | Amazon | 1 |
Deschooling Society | Ivan Illich | Amazon | 1 |
Development as freedom | Amartya Sen | Amazon | 1 |
Devil Take the Hindmost | Edward Chancellor | Amazon | 1 |
Dialogues | Plato | Amazon | 1 |
Do Not Say We Have Nothing | Madeleine Thien | Amazon | 1 |
Dragonriders of Pern trilogy | Anne McCaffrey | Amazon | 1 |
Drive | Daniel H. Pink | Amazon | 1 |
Dumbing Us Down | John Taylor Gatto | Amazon | 1 |
Economy & Society | Max Weber | Amazon | 1 |
Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness | Bhante Henepola Gunaratana | Amazon | 1 |
Elements | Eculid | Amazon | 1 |
Empire | Michael Hardt,? Antonio Negri | Amazon | 1 |
Endurance | Alfred Lansing | Amazon | 1 |
Ethics | Benedict de Spinoza | Amazon | 1 |
Evicted | Matthew Desmond | Amazon | 1 |
Famous Financial Fiascos | John Train | Amazon | 1 |
Fat Man in the Middle Seat | Jack W. Germond | Amazon | 1 |
Fooled by Randomness | Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Amazon | 1 |
For The New Intellectual | Ayn Rand | Amazon | 1 |
Fortune’s formula | William Poundstone | Amazon | 1 |
Founders at Work | Jessica Livingston | Amazon | 1 |
Future Sex | Emily Witt | Amazon | 1 |
Geography of Nowhere | James Howard Kunstler | Amazon | 1 |
Getting Things Done | David Allen | Amazon | 1 |
Guide To Rational Living | Albert Ellis,? Robert A. Harper | Amazon | 1 |
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets | J.K. Rowling | Amazon | 1 |
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | J.K. Rowling | Amazon | 1 |
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire | J.K. Rowling | Amazon | 1 |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | J.K. Rowling | Amazon | 1 |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone | J.K. Rowling | Amazon | 1 |
Hieronymus White | Jeff Moss | Amazon | 1 |
High Output Management | Andrew S. Grove | Amazon | 1 |
How Fiction Works | James Wood | Amazon | 1 |
How To Be Idle | Tom Hodgkinson | Amazon | 1 |
How To Lie With Statistics | Darrell Huff | Amazon | 1 |
How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk | Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish | Amazon | 1 |
How To Win Friends & Influence People | Dale Carnegie | Amazon | 1 |
How We Know What Isn’t So | Thomas Gilovich | Amazon | 1 |
How Will You Measure Your Life? | Clayton M. Christensen,? James Allworth,? Karen Dillon | Amazon | 1 |
IBM’s 360 and Early 370 Systems (History of Computing) | Emerson W. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. Palmer | Amazon | 1 |
Illusions | Richard Bach | Amazon | 1 |
Impro | Keith Johnstone | Amazon | 1 |
In the Light of What We Know | Zia Haider Rahman | Amazon | 1 |
Individualism and Economic Order | Friedrich A. Hayek | Amazon | 1 |
Inmates are Running the Asylum | Alan Cooper | Amazon | 1 |
Innovators Solution | Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor | Amazon | 1 |
Introduction to Algorithms | Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein | Amazon | 1 |
Introduction to Computer Engineering | Richard E. Haskell | Amazon | 1 |
Introduction to Electrodynamics | David J. Griffiths | Amazon | 1 |
Investing | Robert Hagstrom | Amazon | 1 |
Le Morte D’Arthur | Thomas Malory | Amazon | 1 |
Le Ton Beau de Marot | Douglas R. Hofstadter | Amazon | 1 |
Leonardo da Vinci | Walter Isaacson | Amazon | 1 |
Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert | Amazon | 1 |
Manifesto Cyborg | Donna J. Haraway | Amazon | 1 |
Manufacturing Consent | Edward S. Herman, Noam Chomsky | Amazon | 1 |
March | John Lewis,? Andrew Aydin | Amazon | 1 |
Maxims | La Rochefoucauld | Amazon | 1 |
Memories, Dreams, Reflections | C. G. Jung | Amazon | 1 |
Metallurgical Engineering – Volume 1, Engineering Principles | Reinhardt, Jr. Schuhmann | Amazon | 1 |
Microserfs | Douglas Coupland | Amazon | 1 |
Models | Mark Manson | Amazon | 1 |
Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity | Abraham Joshua Heschel | Amazon | 1 |
Moral Machines | Wendell Wallach,? Colin Allen | Amazon | 1 |
Moral Mazes | Robert Jackall | Amazon | 1 |
Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre | Amazon | 1 |
Nicomachean Ethics | Aristotle | Amazon | 1 |
Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t | Steven Pressfield | Amazon | 1 |
Nonzero | Robert Wright | Amazon | 1 |
Obesity Code | Dr. Jason Fung | Amazon | 1 |
Of Human Bondage | W. Somserset Maugham | Amazon | 1 |
On China | Henry Kissinger | Amazon | 1 |
On Death and Dying | Elisabeth Kübler-Ross | Amazon | 1 |
Only Humans Apply | Thomas H. Davenport ,? Julia Kirby | Amazon | 1 |
Our Mathematical Universe | Max Tegmark | Amazon | 1 |
Out of the Inner Circle | Bill Landreth | Amazon | 1 |
Paypal Wars | Eric M. Jackson | Amazon | 1 |
Platform Revolution | Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul Choudary | Amazon | 1 |
Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men | Plutarch | Amazon | 1 |
Poetry of the Universe | Robert Osserman | Amazon | 1 |
Power and Knowledge | Michel Foucault | Amazon | 1 |
Practical Reflection | James David Velleman | Amazon | 1 |
Predictably Irrational | Dan Ariely | Amazon | 1 |
Presuasion | Jane Austen | Amazon | 1 |
Pre-Suasion | Robert Cialdini | Amazon | 1 |
Prisoners of Geography | Tim Marshall | Amazon | 1 |
Programming Windows | Charles Petzold | Amazon | 1 |
Rational Optimist | Matt Ridley | Amazon | 1 |
Real Freedom for All | Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght | Amazon | 1 |
Realism and the Aim of Science (Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery) | Karl Popper | Amazon | 1 |
Reasons and Persons | Derek Parfit | Amazon | 1 |
Remembrance of Things Past | Marcel Proust | Amazon | 1 |
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator | Edwin Lefèvre | Amazon | 1 |
Republic | Plato | Amazon | 1 |
Rules of the Game | Neil Strauss | Amazon | 1 |
Search Inside Yourself | Chade-Meng Tan, Daniel Goleman, Jon Kabat-Zinn | Amazon | 1 |
Seveneves | Neal Stephenson | Amazon | 1 |
Sexual Personae | Camille Paglia | Amazon | 1 |
Shantaram | Gregory David Roberts | Amazon | 1 |
Shoe Dog | Phil Knight | Amazon | 1 |
Showstopper | G. Pascal Zachary | Amazon | 1 |
Singularity is Near | Ray Kurzweil | Amazon | 1 |
Sonnets | William Shakespeare | Amazon | 1 |
Sources of the Self | Charles Taylor | Amazon | 1 |
Speedboat | Renata Adler | Amazon | 1 |
Steal this Book | Abbie Hoffman | Amazon | 1 |
Steve Jobs | Walter Isaacson | Amazon | 1 |
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman | Amazon | 1 |
Superforecasting | Philip E. Tetlock, Dan Gardner | Amazon | 1 |
Swann’s Way | Proust | Amazon | 1 |
Swimming Across | Andrew S. Grove | Amazon | 1 |
That Which Is Seen & That Which Is Not Seen | M. Frederic Bastiat | Amazon | 1 |
The 10,000 Year Explosion | Gregory Cochran, Henry Harpending | Amazon | 1 |
The 50th Law | 50 Cent, Robert Greene | Amazon | 1 |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey | Amazon | 1 |
The Act of Creation (Arkana) | Arthur Koestler | Amazon | 1 |
The Aenied | Virgil | Amazon | 1 |
The Age of Gold | HW Brands | Amazon | 1 |
The Age of Sustainable Development | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Amazon | 1 |
The American Frugal Housewife | Lydia Maria Francis Child | Amazon | 1 |
The Armchair Economist | Steven E. Landsburg | Amazon | 1 |
The Art of Travel | Alain De Botton | Amazon | 1 |
The Awful Rowing Toward God | Anne Sexton | Amazon | 1 |
The Better Angels of Our Nature | Steven Pinker | Amazon | 1 |
The Big Change | Frederick Lewis Allen | Amazon | 1 |
The Big Picture | Sean Carroll | Amazon | 1 |
The Birth of Plenty | William J. Bernstein | Amazon | 1 |
The Blank Slate | Steven Pinker | Amazon | 1 |
The Blind Watchmaker | Richard Dawkins | Amazon | 1 |
The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Amazon | 1 |
The Buddhist Handbook | John Snelling | Amazon | 1 |
The Caves of Steel | Isaac Asimov | Amazon | 1 |
The Corrections | Jonathan Franzen | Amazon | 1 |
The Demon-Haunted World | Carl Sagan | Amazon | 1 |
The Diamond Age | Neal Stephenson | Amazon | 1 |
The Dictator’s Handbook | Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith | Amazon | 1 |
The Downing Street Years | Margret Thatcher | Amazon | 1 |
The Dream Machine | M. Mitchell Waldrop | Amazon | 1 |
The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy | Amazon | 1 |
The Elements of New Testament Greek | J.W. Wenham | Amazon | 1 |
The Enchiridion | Epictetus | Amazon | 1 |
The Enterprise of Law | Bruce L. Benson | Amazon | 1 |
The Essays of Warren Buffett | Warren E. Buffett | Amazon | 1 |
The Evolution of Desire | David M. Buss | Amazon | 1 |
The Extended Phenotype | Richard Dawkins | Amazon | 1 |
The Fabric of Reality | David Deutsch | Amazon | 1 |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics | Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands | Amazon | 1 |
The Financier | Carl Reich | Amazon | 1 |
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money | John Maynard Keynes | Amazon | 1 |
The Gift | Lewis Hyde | Amazon | 1 |
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo | Stieg Larsson | Amazon | 1 |
The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins | Amazon | 1 |
The Great Depression | Benjamin Roth | Amazon | 1 |
The Great Influenza | John M. Barry | Amazon | 1 |
The Guns at Last Light | Rick Atkinson | Amazon | 1 |
The Idealist | Nina Munk | Amazon | 1 |
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks | Rebecca Skloot | Amazon | 1 |
The Importance of Living | Lin Yutang | Amazon | 1 |
The Incredible Bread Machine | Susan Love Brown | Amazon | 1 |
The Intelligent Investor | Benjamin Graham,? Jason Zweig | Amazon | 1 |
The Joy of Lex | Gyles Brandreth | Amazon | 1 |
The Last Lecture | Randy Pausch | Amazon | 1 |
The Law | Frederic Bastiat | Amazon | 1 |
The Little Kingdom | Michael Moritz | Amazon | 1 |
The Little Schemer | Daniel P. Friedman | Amazon | 1 |
The Logic of Scientific Discovery | Karl R. Popper | Amazon | 1 |
The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien | Amazon | 1 |
The Master Switch | Tim Wu | Amazon | 1 |
The Mating Mind | Geoffrey Miller | Amazon | 1 |
The Misbehavior of Markets | Benoit Mandelbrot, Richard L. Hudson | Amazon | 1 |
The Moral Animal | Robert Wright | Amazon | 1 |
The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco | Amazon | 1 |
The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics | Edna Ernestine Kramer | Amazon | 1 |
The New Jim Crow | Michelle Alexander | Amazon | 1 |
The Origins of Political Order | Francis Fukuyama | Amazon | 1 |
The Patriarch | David Nasaw | Amazon | 1 |
The People in the Trees | Hanya Yanagihara | Amazon | 1 |
The People’s Platform | Astra Taylor | Amazon | 1 |
The Philosophy of Science | Richard Boyd | Amazon | 1 |
The Power of Myth | Joseph Campbell | Amazon | 1 |
The Power of One | Bryce Courtenay | Amazon | 1 |
The Primal Blueprint | Mark Sisson | Amazon | 1 |
The Prince | Nicolo Machiavelli | Amazon | 1 |
The Pursuit of Power | Richard J. Evans | Amazon | 1 |
The Quest of the Simple Life | William J. Dawson | Amazon | 1 |
The Rebel | Albert Camus | Amazon | 1 |
The Righteous Mind | Jonathan Haidt | Amazon | 1 |
The Satanic Verses | Salman Rushdie | Amazon | 1 |
The Science of Fear | Daniel Gardner | Amazon | 1 |
The Score Takes Care of Itself | Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh | Amazon | 1 |
The Second World War | Winston S. Churchill | Amazon | 1 |
The Senses Considered | James Jerome Gibson | Amazon | 1 |
The Shattered Lantern | Ronald Rolheiser | Amazon | 1 |
The Skeptical Environmentalist | Björn Lomborg | Amazon | 1 |
The Stranger | Albert Camus | Amazon | 1 |
The Success Equation | Michael J. Mauboussin | Amazon | 1 |
The Three Body Problem | Cixin Liu | Amazon | 1 |
The Tipping Point | Malcolm Gladwell | Amazon | 1 |
The Trial | Franz Kafka | Amazon | 1 |
The Upside of Stress | Kelly McGonigal | Amazon | 1 |
The User Illusion | Tor Norretranders | Amazon | 1 |
The View from the Cheap Seats | Neil Gaiman | Amazon | 1 |
The Virtue of Selfishness | Ayn Rand | Amazon | 1 |
The Vision of the Annointed | Thoms Sowell | Amazon | 1 |
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information | Edward R. Tufte | Amazon | 1 |
The Western Canon | Harold Bloom | Amazon | 1 |
The Wisdom of Psychopaths | Kevin Dutton | Amazon | 1 |
The World According to Garp | John Irving | Amazon | 1 |
The Wretched of the Earth | Frantz Fanon | Amazon | 1 |
The Zendian Problem | Lambros D. Callimahos | Amazon | 1 |
Theory of Computation | Michael Sipser | Amazon | 1 |
Thermodynamique de l’évolution | François Roddier | Amazon | 1 |
Things Fall Apart | Chinua Achebe | Amazon | 1 |
Thinking in Systems | Donella H. Meadows | Amazon | 1 |
This Might Work Collected Writings | Seth Godin | Amazon | 1 |
This Will Make You Smarter | John Brockman | Amazon | 1 |
Throwing Like a Girl | Weezie Kerr Mackey | Amazon | 1 |
Tools of Titans | Timothy Ferriss | Amazon | 1 |
Truman | David McCullough | Amazon | 1 |
Understanding Power | Noam Chomsky | Amazon | 1 |
Visual Representation of Quantitative Information | Edward R. Tufte | Amazon | 1 |
Walden | Henry Thoreau | Amazon | 1 |
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families | Philip Gourevitch | Amazon | 1 |
When Breath Becomes Air | PAUL KALANITHI | Amazon | 1 |
When Genius Failed | Roger Lowenstein | Amazon | 1 |
Who Stole Feminism | Christina Hoff Sommers | Amazon | 1 |
Whole Earth Discipline | Stewart Brand | Amazon | 1 |
Why Don’t We Learn from History? | B. H. Liddell Hart | Amazon | 1 |
Why Nations Fail | Daron Acemoglu, James Robinson | Amazon | 1 |
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun? | Reginald F. Lewis, Blair S. Walker | Amazon | 1 |
Word and Object | Willard van Orman Quine | Amazon | 1 |
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance | Robert M. Pirsig | Amazon | 1 |
Reflections on the Human Condition | Eric Hoffer | Amazon | 1 |