Mentre la Silicon Valley e Washington D.C. intrecciano sempre più le loro strategie, una nuova ondata di think tank emerge, pronta a influenzare significativamente il panorama tecnologico e politico degli Stati Uniti. Questi gruppi, spesso sostenuti da figure di spicco come Patrick Collison e Sean Parker, stanno plasmando le politiche che definiranno il futuro del paese. Comprendere le loro ambizioni equivale a intravedere la direzione che gli Stati Uniti potrebbero prendere.

Recentemente, Patrick Collison ha co-firmato una lettera aperta insieme ad altri leader del settore tecnologico, tra cui Mark Zuckerberg di Meta, esprimendo preoccupazioni riguardo alla regolamentazione dell’IA nell’Unione Europea. La lettera sottolinea come decisioni normative incoerenti possano rendere l’Europa meno competitiva e innovativa rispetto ad altre regioni.

Sean Parker, dal canto suo, ha manifestato interesse per l’IA attraverso investimenti strategici. Ha finanziato startup focalizzate sull’applicazione dell’IA in vari settori, riconoscendo l’importanza di questa tecnologia nel plasmare il futuro. La sua visione si concentra sull’utilizzo dell’IA per migliorare l’esperienza utente e creare prodotti innovativi che rispondano alle esigenze del mercato.

L’IA sta rapidamente evolvendo, con applicazioni che spaziano dalla medicina alla finanza, dalla produzione industriale all’intrattenimento. Tuttavia, questa rapida adozione solleva questioni etiche e di privacy. La capacità dell’IA di analizzare enormi quantità di dati pone interrogativi sulla tutela delle informazioni personali e sull’uso responsabile della tecnologia. È fondamentale che leader come Collison e Parker partecipino attivamente al dibattito su come implementare l’IA in modo etico e sostenibile.

La Silicon Valley, epicentro dell’innovazione tecnologica, ha visto nascere diversi think tank focalizzati sull’intelligenza artificiale (IA) e sulle sue implicazioni. Uno dei più prominenti è il Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), fondato nel 2000 da Eliezer Yudkowsky. Originariamente noto come Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, MIRI si concentra sulla ricerca di un’IA amichevole, affrontando problemi legati al controllo delle intelligenze artificiali avanzate.

Con sede a Berkeley, California, l’istituto ha attirato l’attenzione per il suo approccio alla sicurezza dell’IA e per la sua capacità di prevedere lo sviluppo tecnologico. Nel corso degli anni, MIRI ha organizzato eventi come il Singularity Summit, in collaborazione con l’Università di Stanford e con il sostegno di Peter Thiel, per discutere il futuro dell’IA e i suoi potenziali rischi.

Un altro attore significativo nella scena dei think tank della Silicon Valley è il Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR), fondato nel 2012 da Julia Galef, Anna Salamon, Michael Smith e Andrew Critch. Con sede a Berkeley, CFAR organizza workshop sulla razionalità e sui bias cognitivi, attingendo a campi come la psicologia e l’economia comportamentale per migliorare le abitudini mentali dei partecipanti. Il centro è parte del movimento razionalista associato al sito web LessWrong di Eliezer Yudkowsky e ha collaborato con aziende come Facebook e con la Thiel Fellowship per offrire formazione sulla razionalità applicata.

OpenAI, fondata nel 2015 da Elon Musk, Sam Altman e altri investitori, rappresenta un altro esempio di think tank influente nella Silicon Valley.

Con l’obiettivo di promuovere e sviluppare un’intelligenza artificiale amichevole a beneficio dell’umanità, OpenAI ha rilasciato nel 2016.. Le Origini di piattaforme come OpenAI Gym e Universe per la ricerca sull’apprendimento per rinforzo e l’addestramento dell’IA.

OpenAI non ha destinato risorse significative allo sviluppo di Gym sin dalla sua creazione sette anni prima e, entro il 2020, aveva smesso di essere mantenuto. Nel 2021, un’organizzazione no-profit chiamata Farama Foundation ha preso in carico Gym. Hanno introdotto nuove funzionalità in Gym, rinominandolo Gymnasium.

Nel corso degli anni, OpenAI ha subito trasformazioni significative, tra cui la transizione verso una società a scopo di lucro nel 2024, mantenendo comunque l’impegno nella ricerca aperta e nella collaborazione con altre istituzioni.

Questi think tank non operano in isolamento; la loro influenza si estende alle politiche governative e alle strategie aziendali. La loro capacità di navigare tra innovazione tecnologica e strategie politiche offre soluzioni che rispondono alle esigenze di una società in rapida evoluzione. Inoltre, la loro presenza nella Silicon Valley facilita l’accesso a risorse, talenti e reti che amplificano la loro capacità di influenzare il futuro dell’IA e delle politiche tecnologiche.

Think Tank Raccolte, sintetizzate e classificate raccomandazioni di libri.

TitleAuthorAmazonNumber of recommendations
SapiensYuval Noah HarariAmazon12
Thinking Fast and SlowDaniel KahnemanAmazon7
Finite and Infinite GamesJames P. CarseAmazon6
Hitchhikers Guide to the GalaxyDouglas AdamsAmazon6
Brave New WorldAldous HuxleyAmazon5
Nineteen Eighty FourGeorge OrwellAmazon5
Poor Charlie’s AlmanackCharles T. MungerAmazon5
AntifragileNassim Nicholas TalebAmazon4
Atlas ShruggedAyn RandAmazon4
Black SwanNassim Nicholas TalebAmazon4
Heart of DarknessJoseph ConradAmazon4
Man’s Search for MeaningViktor E. FranklAmazon4
MeditationsMarcus AureliusAmazon4
Seeing Like a StateJames C. ScottAmazon4
Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman (Adventures of a Curious Fellow)Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. LeightonAmazon4
The BibleZondervanAmazon4
The Hard Thing About Hard ThingsBen HorowitzAmazon4
The Selfish GeneRichard DawkinsAmazon4
Tibetan Book of Living and DyingSogyal RinpocheAmazon4
Checklist manifestoAtul GawandeAmazon3
Gödel, Escher, BachDouglas R. HofstadterAmazon3
InfluenceRobert B. CialdiniAmazon3
MoneyballMichael LewisAmazon3
On the Shortness of LifeSenecaAmazon3
Power of HabitCharles DuhiggAmazon3
PrinciplesRay DalioAmazon3
The Beginning of InfinityDavid DeutschAmazon3
The IslandGary PaulsenAmazon3
The Little PrinceAntoine de Saint-ExupéryAmazon3
War And PeaceLeo TolstoyAmazon3
Why Buddhism is TrueRobert WrightAmazon3
Zero to OnePeter ThielAmazon3
A Doll’s HouseHenrik IbsenAmazon2
A Short History of Nearly EverythingBill BrysonAmazon2
Against the GodsPeter L. BernsteinAmazon2
C programming LanguageBrian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. RitchieAmazon2
Einstein’s DreamsAlan LightmanAmazon2
FoundationIsaac AsimovAmazon2
FreakonomicsSteven D. Levitt, Stephen J. DubnerAmazon2
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern WorldJack WeatherfordAmazon2
God Is Not GreatChristopher HitchensAmazon2
Grapes of WrathJohn SteinbeckAmazon2
Guns, Germs, and SteelJared Diamond Ph.D.Amazon2
Hackers & PaintersPaul GrahamAmazon2
Homage to CataloniaGeorge OrwellAmazon2
How the Mind WorksSteven PinkerAmazon2
Jack of ShadowsRoger ZelaznyAmazon2
Liar’s PokerMichael LewisAmazon2
LilaRobert M. PirsigAmazon2
Long Dark Tea-Time of The SoulDouglas AdamsAmazon2
Lord of LightRoger ZelaznyAmazon2
Masters of DoomDavid KushnerAmazon2
Mating in CaptivityEsther PerelAmazon2
MindstormsSeymour A. PapertAmazon2
Moonwalking with EinsteinJoshua FoerAmazon2
My Side of the MountainJean Craighead GeorgeAmazon2
NeuromancerWilliam GibsonAmazon2
Pale Blue DotCarl SaganAmazon2
Pattern RecognitionWilliam GibsonAmazon2
QuietSusan CainAmazon2
Razor’s EdgeW. Somserset MaughamAmazon2
Six Pillars of Self-EsteemNathaniel BrandenAmazon2
Snow CrashNeal StephensonAmazon2
TechnopolyNeil PostmanAmazon2
The AlephJorge Luis BorgesAmazon2
The Artist’s WayJulia CameronAmazon2
The AwakeningKate ChopinAmazon2
The CompanyJohn Micklethwait, Adrian WooldridgeAmazon2
The Fatal ConceitF. A. HayekAmazon2
The FountainheadAyn RandAmazon2
The God ParticleLeon Lederman, Dick TeresiAmazon2
The Language InstinctSteven PinkerAmazon2
The Last LionWilliam ManchesterAmazon2
The Lover Is Always Alone (Ashiq hamishah tan hast)Sohrab SepehriAmazon2
The True BelieverEric HofferAmazon2
The Wright BrothersDavid McCulloughAmazon2
The Years of Lyndon Johnson SetRobert CaroAmazon2
Unf*ckologyAmy AlkonAmazon2
What It TakesRichard Ben CramerAmazon2
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About CapitalismHa-Joon ChangAmazon1
30 Lessons for LivingKarl Pillemer Ph.D.Amazon1
A Beautiful MindSylvia NassarAmazon1
A Brief History of TimeStephen HawkingAmazon1
A Chance to DieElisabeth ElliotAmazon1
A New Kind of ScienceStephen WolframAmazon1
A Treatise of Human NatureDavid HumeAmazon1
Accidental SuperpowerPeter ZeihanAmazon1
Age of Spiritual MachinesRay KurzweilAmazon1
All the King’s MenRobert Penn WarrenAmazon1
Amiga Assembly Language ProgrammingJake CommanderAmazon1
Amusing Ourselves To DeathNeil PostmanAmazon1
An Introduction to Quantum Field TheoryMichael E. Peskin, Dan V. SchroederAmazon1
And The Band Played OnRandy ShiltsAmazon1
Artificial IntelligenceStuart Russell, Peter NorvigAmazon1
As a Man ThinkethJames Allen,? Charles ConradAmazon1
AutobiographyJohn Stuart MillAmazon1
Banking and the Business CycleC.A. Phillips,? T.F. McManus,? R.W. NelsonAmazon1
Being MortalAtul GawandeAmazon1
BetterAtul GawandeAmazon1
Between the World and MeTa-Nehisi CoatesAmazon1
Beyond Good and EvilFriedrich NietzscheAmazon1
Beyond IdeologyFrances E. LeeAmazon1
Big KidsMichael DeforgeAmazon1
BlinkMalcolm GladwellAmazon1
BoldPeter H. Diamandis,? Steven KotlerAmazon1
Bourgeois EqualityDeirdre N. McCloskeyAmazon1
BoydRobert CoramAmazon1
Breakfast of ChampionsKurt VonnegutAmazon1
BuffettRoger LowensteinAmazon1
Capitalism: The Unknown IdealAyn RandAmazon1
Catcher in The RyeJ.D. SalingerAmazon1
Charlotte’s WebE.B. WhiteAmazon1
Contemporary EthicsWilliam ShawAmazon1
Cradle to CradleMichael Braungart, William McDonoughAmazon1
Crime and PunishmentDostoyevskyAmazon1
Daily StoicRyan Holiday, Stephen HanselmanAmazon1
Dark TerritoryFred KaplanAmazon1
Dealers of LightningMichael A. HiltzikAmazon1
Deep WorkCal NewportAmazon1
Deschooling SocietyIvan IllichAmazon1
Development as freedomAmartya SenAmazon1
Devil Take the HindmostEdward ChancellorAmazon1
Do Not Say We Have NothingMadeleine ThienAmazon1
Dragonriders of Pern trilogyAnne McCaffreyAmazon1
DriveDaniel H. PinkAmazon1
Dumbing Us DownJohn Taylor GattoAmazon1
Economy & SocietyMax WeberAmazon1
Eight Mindful Steps to HappinessBhante Henepola GunaratanaAmazon1
EmpireMichael Hardt,? Antonio NegriAmazon1
EnduranceAlfred LansingAmazon1
EthicsBenedict de SpinozaAmazon1
EvictedMatthew DesmondAmazon1
Famous Financial FiascosJohn TrainAmazon1
Fat Man in the Middle SeatJack W. GermondAmazon1
Fooled by RandomnessNassim Nicholas TalebAmazon1
For The New IntellectualAyn RandAmazon1
Fortune’s formulaWilliam PoundstoneAmazon1
Founders at WorkJessica LivingstonAmazon1
Future SexEmily WittAmazon1
Geography of NowhereJames Howard KunstlerAmazon1
Getting Things DoneDavid AllenAmazon1
Guide To Rational LivingAlbert Ellis,? Robert A. HarperAmazon1
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of SecretsJ.K. RowlingAmazon1
Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsJ.K. RowlingAmazon1
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of FireJ.K. RowlingAmazon1
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanJ.K. RowlingAmazon1
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s StoneJ.K. RowlingAmazon1
Hieronymus WhiteJeff MossAmazon1
High Output ManagementAndrew S. GroveAmazon1
How Fiction WorksJames WoodAmazon1
How To Be IdleTom HodgkinsonAmazon1
How To Lie With StatisticsDarrell HuffAmazon1
How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will TalkAdele Faber, Elaine MazlishAmazon1
How To Win Friends & Influence PeopleDale CarnegieAmazon1
How We Know What Isn’t SoThomas GilovichAmazon1
How Will You Measure Your Life?Clayton M. Christensen,? James Allworth,? Karen DillonAmazon1
IBM’s 360 and Early 370 Systems (History of Computing)Emerson W. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. PalmerAmazon1
IllusionsRichard BachAmazon1
ImproKeith JohnstoneAmazon1
In the Light of What We KnowZia Haider RahmanAmazon1
Individualism and Economic OrderFriedrich A. HayekAmazon1
Inmates are Running the AsylumAlan CooperAmazon1
Innovators SolutionClayton M. Christensen, Michael E. RaynorAmazon1
Introduction to AlgorithmsThomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford SteinAmazon1
Introduction to Computer EngineeringRichard E. HaskellAmazon1
Introduction to ElectrodynamicsDavid J. GriffithsAmazon1
InvestingRobert HagstromAmazon1
Le Morte D’ArthurThomas MaloryAmazon1
Le Ton Beau de MarotDouglas R. HofstadterAmazon1
Leonardo da VinciWalter IsaacsonAmazon1
Madame BovaryGustave FlaubertAmazon1
Manifesto CyborgDonna J. HarawayAmazon1
Manufacturing ConsentEdward S. Herman, Noam ChomskyAmazon1
MarchJohn Lewis,? Andrew AydinAmazon1
MaximsLa RochefoucauldAmazon1
Memories, Dreams, ReflectionsC. G. JungAmazon1
Metallurgical Engineering – Volume 1, Engineering PrinciplesReinhardt, Jr. SchuhmannAmazon1
MicroserfsDouglas CouplandAmazon1
ModelsMark MansonAmazon1
Moral Grandeur and Spiritual AudacityAbraham Joshua HeschelAmazon1
Moral MachinesWendell Wallach,? Colin AllenAmazon1
Moral MazesRobert JackallAmazon1
NauseaJean-Paul SartreAmazon1
Nicomachean EthicsAristotleAmazon1
Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*tSteven PressfieldAmazon1
NonzeroRobert WrightAmazon1
Obesity CodeDr. Jason FungAmazon1
Of Human BondageW. Somserset MaughamAmazon1
On ChinaHenry KissingerAmazon1
On Death and DyingElisabeth Kübler-RossAmazon1
Only Humans ApplyThomas H. Davenport ,? Julia KirbyAmazon1
Our Mathematical UniverseMax TegmarkAmazon1
Out of the Inner CircleBill LandrethAmazon1
Paypal WarsEric M. JacksonAmazon1
Platform RevolutionGeoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul ChoudaryAmazon1
Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious MenPlutarchAmazon1
Poetry of the UniverseRobert OssermanAmazon1
Power and KnowledgeMichel FoucaultAmazon1
Practical ReflectionJames David VellemanAmazon1
Predictably IrrationalDan ArielyAmazon1
PresuasionJane AustenAmazon1
Pre-SuasionRobert CialdiniAmazon1
Prisoners of GeographyTim MarshallAmazon1
Programming WindowsCharles PetzoldAmazon1
Rational OptimistMatt RidleyAmazon1
Real Freedom for AllPhilippe Van Parijs and Yannick VanderborghtAmazon1
Realism and the Aim of Science (Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery)Karl PopperAmazon1
Reasons and PersonsDerek ParfitAmazon1
Remembrance of Things PastMarcel ProustAmazon1
Reminiscences of a Stock OperatorEdwin LefèvreAmazon1
Rules of the GameNeil StraussAmazon1
Search Inside YourselfChade-Meng Tan, Daniel Goleman, Jon Kabat-ZinnAmazon1
SevenevesNeal StephensonAmazon1
Sexual PersonaeCamille PagliaAmazon1
ShantaramGregory David RobertsAmazon1
Shoe DogPhil KnightAmazon1
ShowstopperG. Pascal ZacharyAmazon1
Singularity is NearRay KurzweilAmazon1
SonnetsWilliam ShakespeareAmazon1
Sources of the SelfCharles TaylorAmazon1
SpeedboatRenata AdlerAmazon1
Steal this BookAbbie HoffmanAmazon1
Steve JobsWalter IsaacsonAmazon1
Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsHarold Abelson, Gerald Jay SussmanAmazon1
SuperforecastingPhilip E. Tetlock, Dan GardnerAmazon1
Swann’s WayProustAmazon1
Swimming AcrossAndrew S. GroveAmazon1
That Which Is Seen & That Which Is Not SeenM. Frederic BastiatAmazon1
The 10,000 Year ExplosionGregory Cochran, Henry HarpendingAmazon1
The 50th Law50 Cent, Robert GreeneAmazon1
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStephen R. CoveyAmazon1
The Act of Creation (Arkana)Arthur KoestlerAmazon1
The AeniedVirgilAmazon1
The Age of GoldHW BrandsAmazon1
The Age of Sustainable DevelopmentJeffrey D. SachsAmazon1
The American Frugal HousewifeLydia Maria Francis ChildAmazon1
The Armchair EconomistSteven E. LandsburgAmazon1
The Art of TravelAlain De BottonAmazon1
The Awful Rowing Toward GodAnne SextonAmazon1
The Better Angels of Our NatureSteven PinkerAmazon1
The Big ChangeFrederick Lewis AllenAmazon1
The Big PictureSean CarrollAmazon1
The Birth of PlentyWilliam J. BernsteinAmazon1
The Blank SlateSteven PinkerAmazon1
The Blind WatchmakerRichard DawkinsAmazon1
The Brothers KaramazovFyodor DostoevskyAmazon1
The Buddhist HandbookJohn SnellingAmazon1
The Caves of SteelIsaac AsimovAmazon1
The CorrectionsJonathan FranzenAmazon1
The Demon-Haunted WorldCarl SaganAmazon1
The Diamond AgeNeal StephensonAmazon1
The Dictator’s HandbookBruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair SmithAmazon1
The Downing Street YearsMargret ThatcherAmazon1
The Dream MachineM. Mitchell WaldropAmazon1
The Dud AvocadoElaine DundyAmazon1
The Elements of New Testament GreekJ.W. WenhamAmazon1
The EnchiridionEpictetusAmazon1
The Enterprise of LawBruce L. BensonAmazon1
The Essays of Warren BuffettWarren E. BuffettAmazon1
The Evolution of DesireDavid M. BussAmazon1
The Extended PhenotypeRichard DawkinsAmazon1
The Fabric of RealityDavid DeutschAmazon1
The Feynman Lectures on PhysicsRichard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew SandsAmazon1
The FinancierCarl ReichAmazon1
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and MoneyJohn Maynard KeynesAmazon1
The GiftLewis HydeAmazon1
The Girl with the Dragon TattooStieg LarssonAmazon1
The God DelusionRichard DawkinsAmazon1
The Great DepressionBenjamin RothAmazon1
The Great InfluenzaJohn M. BarryAmazon1
The Guns at Last LightRick AtkinsonAmazon1
The IdealistNina MunkAmazon1
The Immortal Life of Henrietta LacksRebecca SklootAmazon1
The Importance of LivingLin YutangAmazon1
The Incredible Bread MachineSusan Love BrownAmazon1
The Intelligent InvestorBenjamin Graham,? Jason ZweigAmazon1
The Joy of LexGyles BrandrethAmazon1
The Last LectureRandy PauschAmazon1
The LawFrederic BastiatAmazon1
The Little KingdomMichael MoritzAmazon1
The Little SchemerDaniel P. FriedmanAmazon1
The Logic of Scientific DiscoveryKarl R. PopperAmazon1
The Lord of the RingsJ. R. R. TolkienAmazon1
The Master SwitchTim WuAmazon1
The Mating MindGeoffrey MillerAmazon1
The Misbehavior of MarketsBenoit Mandelbrot, Richard L. HudsonAmazon1
The Moral AnimalRobert WrightAmazon1
The Name of the RoseUmberto EcoAmazon1
The Nature and Growth of Modern MathematicsEdna Ernestine KramerAmazon1
The New Jim CrowMichelle AlexanderAmazon1
The Origins of Political OrderFrancis FukuyamaAmazon1
The PatriarchDavid NasawAmazon1
The People in the TreesHanya YanagiharaAmazon1
The People’s PlatformAstra TaylorAmazon1
The Philosophy of ScienceRichard BoydAmazon1
The Power of MythJoseph CampbellAmazon1
The Power of OneBryce CourtenayAmazon1
The Primal BlueprintMark SissonAmazon1
The PrinceNicolo MachiavelliAmazon1
The Pursuit of PowerRichard J. EvansAmazon1
The Quest of the Simple LifeWilliam J. DawsonAmazon1
The RebelAlbert CamusAmazon1
The Righteous MindJonathan HaidtAmazon1
The Satanic VersesSalman RushdieAmazon1
The Science of FearDaniel GardnerAmazon1
The Score Takes Care of ItselfBill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig WalshAmazon1
The Second World WarWinston S. ChurchillAmazon1
The Senses ConsideredJames Jerome GibsonAmazon1
The Shattered LanternRonald RolheiserAmazon1
The Skeptical EnvironmentalistBjörn LomborgAmazon1
The StrangerAlbert CamusAmazon1
The Success EquationMichael J. MauboussinAmazon1
The Three Body ProblemCixin LiuAmazon1
The Tipping PointMalcolm GladwellAmazon1
The TrialFranz KafkaAmazon1
The Upside of StressKelly McGonigalAmazon1
The User IllusionTor NorretrandersAmazon1
The View from the Cheap SeatsNeil GaimanAmazon1
The Virtue of SelfishnessAyn RandAmazon1
The Vision of the AnnointedThoms SowellAmazon1
The Visual Display of Quantitative InformationEdward R. TufteAmazon1
The Western CanonHarold BloomAmazon1
The Wisdom of PsychopathsKevin DuttonAmazon1
The World According to GarpJohn IrvingAmazon1
The Wretched of the EarthFrantz FanonAmazon1
The Zendian ProblemLambros D. CallimahosAmazon1
Theory of ComputationMichael SipserAmazon1
Thermodynamique de l’évolutionFrançois RoddierAmazon1
Things Fall ApartChinua AchebeAmazon1
Thinking in SystemsDonella H. MeadowsAmazon1
This Might Work Collected WritingsSeth GodinAmazon1
This Will Make You SmarterJohn BrockmanAmazon1
Throwing Like a GirlWeezie Kerr MackeyAmazon1
Tools of TitansTimothy FerrissAmazon1
TrumanDavid McCulloughAmazon1
Understanding PowerNoam ChomskyAmazon1
Visual Representation of Quantitative InformationEdward R. TufteAmazon1
WaldenHenry ThoreauAmazon1
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our FamiliesPhilip GourevitchAmazon1
When Breath Becomes AirPAUL KALANITHIAmazon1
When Genius FailedRoger LowensteinAmazon1
Who Stole FeminismChristina Hoff SommersAmazon1
Whole Earth DisciplineStewart BrandAmazon1
Why Don’t We Learn from History?B. H. Liddell HartAmazon1
Why Nations FailDaron Acemoglu, James RobinsonAmazon1
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?Reginald F. Lewis, Blair S. WalkerAmazon1
Word and ObjectWillard van Orman QuineAmazon1
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceRobert M. PirsigAmazon1
Reflections on the Human ConditionEric HofferAmazon1